When Seconds Count…Exercises and Training Makes The Difference

When Precision Planning & Simulations, Inc. (PPS) initially started in 1998, we provided crisis management training and preparedness exercises for a wide range of clients. However, client requests necessitated an expansion of services that included Incident Command System Training and actual incident response services.

Prior to 9/11, we were already working to upgrade our incident simulation system capabilities to handle WMD Incidents and surge type of events. A full year prior to the promulgation of the HSEEP Exercise guidelines, PPS was working with the Office of Pipeline Safety to implement exercises that contained both security and incident response elements. Since 9/11, we have transitioned all of our exercise design process to comply with the HSEEP Guidelines. All of the exercises we design and facilitate follow HSEEP. With our own implementation of the HSEEP process, we have conducted many exercises looking at multihazard events that include participation of the entire response community to include Fire, Police, EMS, Hospital, Public Health, and various other first responders.

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